Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Daddy came home!

With all the excitement of my BIG WALK I forgot to say that daddy got home safe and sound!!

KNowing that a battle was going to commence about the sleeping arraqngements I made sure to settle on the bed early in the evening whilst no one else was around.

then mummy came in and gave me a lecture about hoomans and dogs and the right places to sleep. I of course disagreed whith her silently and held my pose.

Next she tried to 'oust' me physically which I did not take kindly to.

I then had 'words' with mummy! (those of a nervous disposition should close their eyes now- it's a bite- honest!! I'm just not very 'gressive!)).

When mummy wasn't looking daddy crawled in with me and we played roly poly on the bed.

Mummy doesn't look too comfy on the beanbag in the laundry hey!! See how you like it mummy!!!

Only joking you can go cuddle with daddy now- I'm finished
Liffey's licks to you all


  1. Hi, Liffey!
    I know you are very happy with your Dad at home!
    That beanbag does not look very comfy for humans!
    I can sleep wherever but my best place is the big bed!
    Kisses and hugs

  2. Hi Liffey,

    haha beds are for dogs! That's what I am told. Mom asked me to sleep with her last night, I tried, I really tried, because I love cuddling up with her, but then I got too hot and left the bed. Luckily for dad - he can't ask me to leave bed, and I was on his side :D

  3. Welcome back to your Dad!

    And well done you, for keeping your ground!

    or your bed should I bark!!

    lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxxxxxxx

  4. wolfhound X is close enough for us! hope you don't mind if we follow along!~ saige and guinness!!

  5. Dads are the best! I don't like it when my dad is gone either. I get to sleep on the big bed like Lorenza, even under the covers. One of the benefits of being little ;o) ~Twix
